In Philly, one color is prominent over any other color, that color is green. Whenever you are in the city you always see the color green for one reason and one reason only, because we bleed green. In Philly, we bleed green because of the birds. The Birds are the most popular sports team in Philly and there is no debate. Us Philly fans are so invested in the Birds that our blood has literally turned green. This Philly Sports We Bleed Green Kelly Green Pullover Hoodie is the perfect hoodie for anyone who is a fanatic of the birds and Philly sports in general. Wearing this Bleed Green Kelly Green Pullover Hoodie around the city will show how much you actually bleed green for your birds. Shop now to get your own Philly Sports We Bleed Green Kelly Green Pullover Hoodie to show your love for the birds today!